Thursday, December 30, 2010

Micheal Lohan's possible peace treaty with Dina

Micheal Lohan seems to finally be doing something right! Earlier today, Mr. Lohan decided that Lindsay needs to be surrounded by people that motivate and influence her in positive ways. He wants to fix things with Dina Lohan so that Lindsay Lohan doesn't have to feel as if her parents fighting is yet another one of her countless problems.
The "fabulous" father says:
"I am getting in touch with Lindsay's team, including Tom Hansen, Blair Berk, Lou Taylor and Shawn Chapman Holley, in the hope of trying, again, to have them to persuade Dina to sit down so we both can iron out our differences.
Quite frankly, everyone knows this, including all the counselors and therapists: Dina and I need to get along and put our differences aside if Lindsay is going to have any chance at a full recovery without relapse."

I agree with him 100%, but do do you think he is really doing this for Lindsay, or to rebuild is tarnished name? He wasn't the greatest dad so why would he start now? I dont know, we'll just have to wait and see..

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